The biggest question is what is happening in the studio. I admit, besides a few bead shows I took much of the summer to leisure about.
My niece visited and we signed her up for a arc welding class at The Crucible in Oakland. They have a sweet setup there. She made a sculpture of Wall-E for the yard as a thank you. Then she recommended that I take a tig welding class as that's more my style. I took her advice and signed up. Man, I sucked. I made a flower for the yard and it took a lot of the instructor's help to get that far. Guess I'm not as refined a welder as I had hoped.
I have been working though, little by little on my jewelry. Two of my newest classes include Fused Ball Link Chain (who doesn't love melting wire into balls) & Crochet Wire Rosettes. Both of these classes will be offered at my local store and Bead & Button in the summer of 2011. Yep, we are already working on 2011.